We Buy Houses in Cotati
We Buy Houses in Cotati

We Buy Houses in Cotati No Matter the Condition

Yes, you read that right — we buy houses in Cotati of all types, no matter the condition, style or other factors you might think will prevent us from buying your home. Our goal is simply to find homes that suit what we need. We talk with you about your home briefly, then investigate your property in full if it’s of interest to us, and finally we schedule a closing date and cut you your check so you can move onwards and upwards. Call the number below now to find out if your home qualifies.


Call Now (707) 939-9450


Why Do We Buy Houses in Cotati in Any Condition?

Most buyers are looking for turn key homes. They simply want to move in (after all moving is enough of a task) and settle quickly into their new lives. That’s why homes that aren’t in this condition — either due to lack of maintenance or outdated finishes and other feature — fail to sell quickly, if at all. So, what do you do get out of your current house and into a new one?

You could rent the home; the standards held by renters are usually much lower than homebuyers, of course. However, renters also result in work. When the home needs general maintenance, when an appliance breaks down, and when renters themselves cause damage and don’t pay — you are left with the bill, and if you don’t have much cash on hand you can quickly be in a worse situation than before you started renting.

That’s why we offer you an alternate solution to home selling difficulties. Keep reading or call the number below to get started now. We’re happy to discuss your home with you, so don’t put off calling just because you think we won’t want your home.


Call Now (707) 939-9450


When We Buy Houses in Cotati This is How it Works

First we consult with you briefly over the phone or via email to see if your home is worth further consideration. If it is we’ll investigate the property in full. Sometimes we can’t buy a property because we already own too many similar homes, but most of the time we’re able to at least make you an offer. You are under no obligation to accept our offer whatsoever, but if you do we’ll schedule a closing date and the process will be completed at that time. You can finally move on with your life and into your new home!


This is What You Need to Do Now So We Can Buy Your House

What you need to do is call the number below. We appreciate you taking our services into consideration during your time of need. Selling a home can be just plain exhausting, and we want to help you out with that, but we need to discuss your home first. With more detail we can offer a reliable assessment as to whether or not your home is of value to us.


Call Now (707) 939-9450


Article Topic: We Buy Houses Cotati